Welcome to the API Developer discussion forum

Welcome to the API Developer discussion forum

A warm welcome to the EventsAir discussion forum for API developers. This is a space to ask general questions or share tips and tricks about EventsAir's API, however, specific or time sensitive queries should instead be directed toward our support team.

When posting in the forum, please keep our guidelines in mind.

Remain civil
Remember you are interacting with other people in a public space. If you disagree with someone, provide constructive feedback on their content. 

Ask your question once
Before posting, please check to see if your question has been asked before. If you find a similar question, you can follow up in the thread with your details. If you can't find it, only ask your question once.

If you feel a post falls outside of these guidelines, please report it to the moderation team.
The guidelines will shift and evolve based on your feedback and as we learn the needs of the community.