Access Guest Registration information

Access Guest Registration information

Hi Dan

I am trying to identify from the EventsAir structure  - how do  we identify the Billing Contact who paid for a number of Registrations(or Function Registrations) and may or may not be one of the attendees.  So if an CEO's PA books tickets for the CEO, CIO and CFO - what would the relationships look like? 


Hi Dan

From within the EventsAir User Interface I can see the GuestOf data supplied which I think goes someway to identifying who paid for the tickets on behalf of whom. I can't see any reference to GuestOf in the API documentation. Am I missing something in there? Is it available as its quite important,


Hi Matt,

I've been going through this with our API developer and at the moment it looks like the fields you'd need for this haven't been included in the API yet.

This data would need registration guests, function guests, owning and paying contacts and potentially group information. Unfortunately this data hasn't been mapped into the API yet. The API is still very much being actively developed and improved and we're continuing to add any missing fields as we find them.

In order to get these fields added to the development log for the API you can submit them in the suggestions area of the API forum, this is how our Product team and API Developers are actually collecting information on what needs to be added to the API.

You can do this by going to the forum here: then going into the suggestions area and adding a new topic with the fields and functionality you need that isn't currently in the API.